Elvin Blog

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

Vocabulary #1 & #2

Force:A Push or pull exerted by one object on another.

Friction:A Force that Oppoes the motion of an object in contact with a surface.
Drag-Force:A Force that oppoes the motion of an object throughta liquid or gas.
Gravity:A Force of Attraction that exists between all object with mass.
Net-Force:The Combined effect of all the forces acting on an object.
Balanced-Forces:Forces that cancel each other out when acting together on a single object.
Unbalanced-Forces:Forces that do not cancel each other out when acting together on a single object.
Inertia:The Tendecy of an object to oppoes a change in motion.
Momentum:The Mass of an object Multiplied by its velocity